Sihat bersama Puerh Tea

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Monday, March 27, 2017

Manfaat minum Puerh Tea sebelum tidur

Minum TeaZheng Puerh Tea sebelum tidur ?
🌿untuk memastikan pagi yang bertenaga.
🌿meningkatkan daya fungsi otak.
🌿 Kandungan L-theanine meredakan stress dan menenangkan.
🌿 menghindar batuk dan selsema di awal pagi.
🌿meningkatkan metabolisma keesokan harinya.
🌿mencantikkan kulit
🌿 merangsang pergerakan usus untuk proses keesokan harinya.
To start an energetic day, green tea before bedtime, had during the previous night, can be a very good option.
What are the benefits of drinking green tea before bedtime? Actually, what people take before sleeping at night has serious effects on their health.
The most important benefits of having green tea before bedtime. The caffeine in this tea improves the functioning of your brain. Besides, the amino acid, L-theanine, gives you a good relief from anxiety and makes you feel drowsy.
Catechin is considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants among all. And the easiest source of this is green tea. If you are suffering from common cold and flu, have a cup of green tea. It will work great as a medicine and help kill the germs and bacteria of cough and cold.
Several medical researches have proved that a sound sleep without any interruption can help improve your metabolism. Healthy metabolism means a fit body and glowing skin. Having green tea keeps your metabolism on the right track.
Having green yea at night stimulates your bowel movement in the morning and helps get rid of all the natural waste from the body. Waste deposition means more toxin release, which is the reason for several diseases. Drink green tea after your dinner and make sure you don't have anything after that until morning.
Researches have proved that having green tea after dinner can improve your brain function and also boost up your cognitive functions. So, to be smart have green tea before bedtime.
#TeaZheng #HalalYunnanPuerhTea

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